Grow Your Wealth Using Weekly Options Trading

The behavior of the US and World Stock Markets is caused by Fear of the Big Traders on days when the market suffers a loss greater than 2 sigma, by Hope when the market enjoys an increase greater than 2 sigma, and changes very little when the Big Traders are Cautious during a trading day. To Cause Wealth to Grow, we must use Options trading strategies that make profits, and limit or avoid losses when the market makes sudden, erratic movements, as well My software program, SelfAdapJonWeeklyCndrs has evolved during the last 25 years of options trading by your author: Dr. Jon Schiller. Starting with a London Broker Trading FTSE-100 options placing orders by FAX ending with TradeKing Broker placing orders using their trading Automated Website I modified my software during my 25 years of trading to change as the market changed. I started using Naked Index Option spreads which requires $50K in your options account. ; I modified the strategy to use Covered Index Option Spreads, which capital in your options account based on the number of spreads and the strike price spacing. I tried WWI triggered Debit Spreads, I switched to Condors (simultaneous Call and Put 2 sigma spreads, then a few years ago when Weekly Options became available from the CBOE, I switched to 2 sigma weekly options using Condors as the best way to make Wealth Grow. the best weekly options to consider for trading. By sorting thru the indices and stocks tracked by my old software I found there were several weekly options that were worth tracking in today’s market. The new software program is SelfAdapJonWeeklyCndrs which Uses the Strategies & Tools described in this book. The Excel Based Software uses CBOE quotes for the Options Data, and Computes the 2 sigma values for the Stocks & Indices tracked in the software, Presents the Option Iron Condors for the same stocks & indices. The main option strategy is to use Weekly Options which become available with market open on Thursday for expiration on Friday a week and one day after the Options become available. The Neural Network Signal Indicator using 6 Signal Indicators to Compute the Market Trends to Show when the market is probable to change direction. Every 3rd Friday of each month, the Monthly options expire. Therefore, on the second Friday of the month, there is only a week left in the trading month, so all stock options become weekly options. So you may select the best of all the stocks for the weekly Condor to open on the Friday or Monday before the 3rd Friday. I should point out that almost every week the SPY condors become best using %Return on Margin as the metric. I use TradeKing as a broker for two reasons: • Their commissions are the lowest of the brokers I know about. • Their website is automated so placing the Condor or other Type Option orders is easy to do. Just select the Strategy to Use, the automated website will appear and enter the Parameters for the Option. If you get your Capital to grow above $50,000 some brokers will allow you place Naked Spread orders in which you sell the 2 sigma Call and 2 sigma Put for a spread. With TradeKing you must place a Pseudo Naked Spread, a strategy I will describe in Chapter 5