Branding (Express Exec)

Introduction to Branding What is the role of branding in the modern world of business? This chapter considers the changing nature of branding, including: current debate about the role of brands; the world"s most valuable brands. Definition of Terms: What is a Brand? Most people can name examples of brands, but the precise meaning of the concept is more difficult. This chapter examines some of the classic definitions of brand. It includes: the common characteristics brands share; types of brand. The Evolution of Brands The modern idea of a brand has its roots in ancient history. This chapter examines how the concept of the brand has evolved. It includes: the introduction of the classical concept of the "product brand"; where we are now in the evolution of branding. The E-Dimension: E-Branding Branding on the Internet presents new challenges for e-marketers. This chapter explores the key issues, including: the invisibility of the online brand; the transparency of markets; creating trust online. The Global Dimension "One world, one brand" has become a marketing mantra. But is the global brand a good idea? This chapter discusses the challenges of building and sustaining a global brand. These include: the rise of the global brand; reasons for going global; building a global brand; case study: McDonald"s; think local; act local. The State of the Art Brand theory is constantly evolving. So what are today"s hot topics in branding? This chapter explores current trends, including: corporate branding; branding inside the organization; the role of the CEO; brand custodianship. In Practice: Branding Success Stories What are the secrets of creating a great brand? This chapter explains how Intel, Toyota, Virgin, and Coca-Cola have managed to create some of the greatest brands of all time. It includes case studies of: Intel"s "Intel inside" strategy; Coca-Cola; Virgin; Toyota. Key Concepts and Thinkers Branding has its own language. Get to grips with the lexicon of brands through the Express Exec branding glossary in this chapter, which also covers: key concepts; key thinkers. Resources Countless words have been written about the subject of branding. This chapter identifies the best branding resources: Websites; books and articles on branding. Ten Steps to Making Branding Work Brand theory is one thing; putting it into practice another. This final chapter provides some key insights into creating and sustaining a brand in today"s business environment, covering the following steps: own minds, not products; dare to be different; fall in love ("brandlove"); put a price on the brand; make your brand a corporate touchstone; know your place; get continuous feedback; find brand partners; protect your brand; nurture the brand.