Business Heroes: Making Business Renewal You Personal Crusade
Price 23.76 USD
Whenever an individual or team embarks on a mission of radical innovation or change, a journey into new and unmapped territory starts. Business Heroes provides a roadmap for the brave characters who seek to take themselves and their organizations into a new and unimagined future. This journey is ridden with danger but inspired by Merlin, Odysseus, Siddharta, Agamemnon and St. George you can achieve those apparently impossible changes everyone in the organization has been telling you will never happen. Ultimately Business Heroes is about success. But this kind of success is achieved not just by ‘strength of will’ or ‘good intentions’ but through wisdom. This ‘old’ wisdom comes from the experience (and stories) of successful heroes, not from the knowledge gained in business schools. By traveling the journey wisely you gain the confidence and power to finally achieve the personal and organizational growth you’ve dreamed of.