Bridled Ambition: Why Countries Constrain Their Nuclear Capabilities (Woodrow Wilson Center Press)
Price 53.38 USD
"At a time when nuclear proliferation is becoming an increasingly ominous threat to global stability, Mitchell Reiss"s book provides the much-needed perspective. Thoroughly researched, systematic and probing in analysis, and significant in its conclusions."--Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser, 1977-1981"Judiciously lays out the wins and draws of recent nonproliferation efforts, drawing our attention to the good policies and good fortune that can play a role in this struggle."--S.S. Hecker, Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory."Matching a critical eye with meticulous research, Reiss slices through diplomatic smokescreens and uncovers a wealth of new information about nuclear programs in nine countries."--Leslie H. Gelb, President, Council on Foreign Relations."A thought-provoking work--one that offers some useful balm to the fevered discourse over nuclear proliferation... A valuable and well-written reminder that in fighting the world"s fight we cannot ignore our occasional clear and even partial successes."--R. James Woolsey, Director of Central Intelligence, 1992-1995