The Colombian Economy in the 20th Century: A Quantitative Analysis (David Rockefeller Center Series on Latin American Studies)

This wide-ranging book looks at many aspects of Colombia’s recent economic history, from foreign trade to fiscal policy. The editors have assembled a who’s who of Colombian economic thinkers, including Adolfo Meisel, Roberto Junguito, and Salomón Kalmanovitz. They offer information about the economy, socio-economic outcomes, and public policy, while understanding both Colombian development and long-range economic issues in a dynamic and comprehensive fashion. This book builds on the economic history of Colombia, including the work of 19th-century economic scholars Aníbal Galindo, Lino Pombo, and Salvador Camacho Roldán, who made estimates of per capita income in the 1860s. Because the last decade has witnessed a renewal of interest in the subject, the editors provide a synthesis of foundational research while clarifying what we know and where the frontiers of research are.