Successful Investing Advice
Price 33.35 USD
"It seems to me that so much of what you and I read on investment tends to perpetuate our ignorance of finance, our unfounded hopes or unwarranted fears, our foolish prejudices and misconceptions. Most newspaper articles and almost all of the financial advertising we get appear to me to be aiming at supplying the demand of untutored investors for something they do not need and should not have instead of teaching them what they should be looking for. In this and subsequent letters I am going to try to unmask those hopes, fears, prejudices and misconceptions; and leave you a clear perspective of the real problems which confront you as an investor — as a manager of money." Successful Investment Advice is a series of letters from a successful investor to his son who has advanced far enough in his profession to have some money to invest — unsuccessfully. The twenty one letters are divided into four series. Series I, "What Constitutes Investment Management," pictures the problems inherent to successful money management and thoroughly convinces the lay reader that he cannot hope to solve them himself. Series II, "Common Mistakes and Misconceptions," details many of the "perfectly natural though thoroughly illogical" errors which are so costly to most investors. The letter, "You"ll Never Get Rich Deferring Losses" is particularly revealing to those who suffer from that "common mistake"—reluctance to take a loss. "Five Ways to Meet Inflation" is altogether the best non-technical explanation of inflation, and how the investor may protect himself against it, that has come to the publishers" attention. Series III, "Notes on Sources of Investment Advice," refreshingly sans muckraking, covers with frankness and fairness the problems of investment hankers,banks, brokers, statistical organizations, investment trusts and investment dealers. The author draws a sharp line between local investment dealers "who will think and study," and those who will not. The letter on Investment Trusts is easily the best exposition of Investment Trust problems that has ever been written. Series IV, "Successful Investment Management," outlines the organization essential to this function and provides numerous tests which any investor can apply. Devoid of the customary investment and legal terminology and phraseology, Successful Investment Advice is indeed interesting, entertaining, in parts fascinating; and always instructive. No investor who owns as much as a single share of stock or a $100 bond can afford to miss this book and to the larger investor it is indispensable. Every investment banker, commercial banker, broker, investment dealer and security salesman must read it.