Mercury and Arsenic Wastes: For a Very Large Scale Integration (Pollution Technology Review) (No. 214)

The book provides state-of-the-art information on removal, recovery, treatment, and disposal of mercury and arsenic wastes, based on a workshop held in Alexandria, Virginia in August 1992. The goals of the workshop were: 1) to examine the fundamentals and analytical issues related to mercury and arsenic compounds; 2) to disseminate information on the state of practice of source reductiontechnologies that recover or remove mercury and arsenic from industrial wastes"and recycling or reuse processes; and 3) to discuss existing and emerging technologies that treat industrial wastes or contaminated soil and water, and the storage and disposal of treated wastes. The book is presented in two parts Mercury and Arsenic and contains extended summaries of papers presented at the workshop. The areas covered are fundamentals, analytical techniques/characterization; removal, recovery, and reuse; and treatment, storage, and disposal.