Journey to the Center of the Internet: Now Showing in 3-D (Book & CD)

Jules Verne watch out! Now you can take a virtual tour to the centre of a computer network. If you need to know the difference between a router and a bridge, or a WAN and a LAN, where do you start? Journey to the Center of the Network: Now Showing in 3D is a truely innovative book and CD package. It introduces the reader to the highly complicated subject of computer networking. Covering history, protocols, hardware, servers, switches, bridges, routers and discusses implementation issues, costs and network limitations. Readers will be able to experience a computer network from the inside out using the innovative 3D imaging software from Periscope3, included on the CD. It allows readers to view pieces of a network from various angles ranges and see how the hardware interacts with the network as a whole. CD includes 3D Network Discovery Lab from Periscope3 Allows readers to explore the critical hardware components of a modern network Saves time and money as a training tool Unrivalled web-based support. Readers can receive up-to-the minute links, white papers, and analysis for two years at