How to Build Successful Teams...The Belbin Way (CD-ROM)

This CD-ROM programme brings Belbin"s brilliant work on teams to life. Each team role and the interaction between them is illustrated with imaginative graphics and an explanatory soundtrack, featuring Dr Belbin. The programme takes the user effortlessly through the theory and practice of building a successful team and how to improve the performance of existing teams. They can also analyse their own team role via a short test. Users can * learn about Dr Belbin"s research * learn about the principles of effective teamwork * learn about Belbin"s different team roles * see the strengths and weaknesses of each team role * discover how team members interact * gain insight into what makes teams succeed or fail * learn how to build on strengths and compensate for weaknesses in teams * look at examples of different leadership styles. * Learn your own team role Minimum System Requirements 66Mhz 486DX processor * 8Mb RAM * Display of 640 x 480 with 256 colours * double speed CD ROM drive * 16 bit Audio or sound card * Speakers or Headphones * Mouse and Keyboard * Windows 3.1 or Windows "95 A* Brings Belbin"s brilliant work on teams to life * Learn about Dr Belbin"s research and the principles of effective teamwork * Find out about your own team role through a short analysis