Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances and Excipients, Volume 28 (Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology)
Price 231.00 - 238.32 USD
122608283, 9780122608285, 9780122608285
Academic Pr Inc
Harry G. Brittain
Year of production
Although the official compendia define a drug substance by its identity, purity, strength, and quality, they normally do not provide other physical or chemical data, nor do they list methods of synthesis or pathways of physical or biological degradation and metabolism. Such information is scattered throughout the scientific literature and the files of pharmaceutical laboratories. Edited by the Associate Director of Analytical Research and Development for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances and Excipients brings this information together in one source. The scope of the series has recently been expanded to include profiles of excipient materials.