Community Pharmacy: Strategic Change Management
Price 68.10 USD
"Community Pharmacy: Strategic Change Management" covers the essential trends and issues in successful pharmacy management, for today and the future. In alignment with industry-wide change, the pharmacist will need to re-orient their business from a product to a service orientation. This book will help community pharmacists and pharmacy owners adapt to an increasingly competitive and challenging retail environment by providing them with industry specific tools for change.Key features of this book include: authentic pharmacy case studies integrated for specific application to the business environment; development by world leading authorities, utilising the latest research; concepts such as "pharmacist on the floor" and "patient focus" - introduced in an accessible manner; and, balanced coverage with theoretical insights and a practical focus. The book is highly suitable for pharmacy students, providing the knowledge and skills for best practice in community pharmacy. "The Pharmacy Change Readiness Wheel" is just one of the unique industry models developed for readers to help them understand, instigate and implement an effective change program.