Introduction to Health Physics: Fourth Edition

A dynamic, all-inclusive overview of the field of health physics If it"s an important topic in the field of health physics, you"ll find it in this trusted text . . . in sections on physical principles, atomic and nuclear structure, radioactivity, biological effects of radiation, and instrumentation. This one-of-a-kind guide spans the entire scope of the field and offers a problem-solving approach that will serve you throughout your career. Features: * A thorough overview of need-to-know topics, from a review of physical principles to a useful look at the interaction of radiation with matter * Chapter-ending practice problems to solidify your grasp of health physics topics and their real-world application * Essential background material on quantitative risk assessment for health-threatening radiation dangers * Authoritative radiation safety and environmental health coverage that supports the International Commission on Radiological Protection"s standards for specific populations * High-yield appendices to expand your comprehension of chapter material: Values of Some Useful Constants, Table of the Elements, The Reference Person, Specific Absorbed Fraction of Photon Energy, and Total Mass Attenuation Coefficients * NEW! Essential coverage of non-ionizing radiation-laser and microwaves, computer use in dose calculation, and dose limit recommendations