The Image of Success: Make a Great Impression and Land the Job You Want

Fair or not, assumptions about our intelligence, abilities, sophistication, performance, and pedigree are routinely made based on the image we project. In "The Image of Success", sought-after career and image coach Lizandra Vega offers job seekers down-to-earth, candid guidance on the ABCs of image Appearance, Behavior, and Communication that often make the difference between a job offer and a rejection. From poorly chosen outfits, to unconscious "ums" and "ahs," to the dreaded "dead fish" handshake and other faux pas, "The Image of Success" shares hundreds of tips on personal style, body language, etiquette, communication, and more all designed to help candidates avoid common pitfalls and create the kind of consis tent personal image that will convince employers of their inherent value to the organization. The way we look, act, and sound can absolutely make or break anyone in the cut throat world of interviewing. Entertaining and encouraging, yet honest, "The Image of Success" gives readers the edge they need to beat out the competition.