5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology for your iPod with MP3 Disk (5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations Series)

Innovative flashcards created for iPod that build your knowledge for AP Psychology success! You now have a vibrant new way to master the key terms that are the basis of AP Psychology success, delivered in a format that is convenient for your lifestyle! 5 Steps to a 5: AP Psychology Flashcards for Your iPod not only makes full use of the navigation capability of the iPod, it also presents content in a dramatically appealing format, quite unlike anything currently available. Expert author Laura Maitland has selected 600 key terms that frequently appear on AP Psychology exams to help you achieve up to a maximum 5 score. Features Each term accompanied by an explanation delivered in an engaging manner to aid memorization Easy-to-find content using iPod"s tiered navigation system--just click to access! Focused study by using smart playlists Topics include:History and Approaches; Research Methods; Biological Bases of Behavior; Sensation and Perception; States of Consciousness; Learning; Cognition; Motivation and Emotion; Developmental Psychology; Personality; Testing and Individual Differences; Abnormal Psychology; Treatment of Psychological Disorders; Social Psychology