CompTIA A+ Certification Boxed Set (Exams 220-701 & 220-702)
Price 43.29 - 45.07 USD
The best fully integrated CompTIA A+ self-study package—a great value on two books and three CDs! CompTIA A+ Certification Boxed Set provides you with a variety of self-study resources to use in preparation for the CompTIA A+ exams. For less than you would pay separately, the set includes two books and three CDs. CompTIA A+ Certification Study Guide, Seventh Edition offers a comprehensive exam review and self-study system covering all the CompTIA A+ exam objectives and includes a CD with four practice exams, video training, and an ebook. Test what you’ve learned with more than 1000 practice exam questions featured in CompTIA A+ Certification Practice Exams with a CD containing four practice exams and an ebook. The bonus CD-ROM included in this set features 400 electronic flashcards, one additional hour of LearnKey’s multimedia A+ training, and MasterSim interactive environment labs. For Windows 7 users a Windows 7 compatible version of the MasterSim program has been created. To download this version please go to, CompTIA A+ Certification Boxed Set Offers significant savings over purchasing each component separately Contains 1700+ practice exam questions, all of which are accompanied by detailed answer explanations Three CD-ROMs contain eight complete practice exams, 13 CertCam video clips, two hours of LearnKey’s multimedia A+ training, MasterSim interactive environment labs, eflashcards, and ebook versions of the book in the set Includes CompTIA A+ Certification Study Guide, Seventh Edition, CompTIA A+ Certification Practice Exams plus three CDs—bonus third CD available only with the boxed set Complete coverage of all exam objectives Personal Computer Components; Motherboards and Processors; Memory, Storage, and Adapters; Power Supplies, Cooling Systems, Display Devices, Cables and Connectors, and Input/Output; Installing and Upgrading PC Components; Troubleshooting, Repair, and Maintenance of PCs; Installing, Configuring, and Optimizing Laptops; Troubleshooting and Preventive Maintenance for Laptops; Operating System Fundamentals; Installing, Configuring, and Upgrading Operating Systems; Disk and File Management; Troubleshooting and Preventive Maintenance for Windows; Using and Supporting Printers; Network Basics; Installing a Small Office / Home Office (SOHO) Network; Troubleshooting Networks; Computer Security Fundamentals; Implementing and Troubleshooting Security; Operational Procedure