Fiber Optic Installer"s Field Manual (First-Choice Field Manuals)
Price 55.09 - 66.72 USD
Step-by-step field guide for fiber optic cable installation. Bob Chomycz"s put-it-in-your-pocket-and-go Fiber Optic Installer"s Field Manual explains fiber optic cable installation via an extremely effective, heavily illustrated, step-by-step approach. This easy-look-up compendium gives you diagrams and procedures you can count on, whether you"re installing fiber optic cable indoors or out. It also gives you comprehensive guidelines on testing, troubleshooting, and maintenance. All major optical fiber types are included, along with: Full-scale treatment of Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) and optical couplers; System integration for offices, industrial plants, and telcos...optical modern and multiplexer systems...Ethernet, FDDI and Sonet; Extensive coverage of SONET; LAN cabling standards; Design fundamentals, including bandwidth calculations and network, logical, and physical topologies; Much, much more.