A Systematic Catalogue of Eight Scale Insect Families (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of the World: Aclerdidae, Asterolecaniidae, Beesoniidae, Carayonemidae, ... Kerriidae and Lecanodiaspididae

A Systematic Catalogue of Soft-Scale Insects is a synthesis and catalogue of all the information published on eight families of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) worldwide from 1758 to the present. Data is provided on their correct scientific names, common names, synonyms, taxonomy, host plants, distribution, natural enemies, biology, and economic importance. This book will be a valuable compendium of biological and systematic information for zoologists, entomologists, crop protection specialists, quarantine officers, students studying entomology and related disciplines, and others who require information about scale insects for research and control projects. Families covered: * Aclerdidae - 57 species in 5 genera * Asterolecaniidae - 229 species in 21 genera * Beesoniidae - 15 species in 6 genera * Carayonemidae - 4 species in 4 genera * Conchaspididae - 29 species in 4 genera * Dactylopiidae - 10 species in 1 genus * Kerriidae - 97 species in 9 genera * Lecanodiaspididae - 82 species in 12 genera