Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051) (Certification Press)
Price 29.30 - 52.96 USD
The Best Fully Integrated Study System Available With hundreds of practice questions and hands-on exercises, Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide covers what you need to know--and shows you how to prepare--for this challenging exam. 100% complete coverage of all official objectives for exam 310-051 Inside the Exam sections in every chapter highlight key exam topics covered Simulated exam questions match the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam Covers all the exam topics, including: Basic Principles of Enterprise Architectures * Object-Oriented Design Using UML * Applicability of JEE Technology * Design Patterns * Legacy Connectivity * EJB and Container Models * Messaging * Internationalization and Localization * Security CD-ROM includes: Complete MasterExam practice testing engine, featuring: One full practice exam: Detailed answers with explanations: Score Report performance assessment tool Electronic book for studying on the go With free online registration: Bonus downloadable MasterExam practice test