How to Cheat in Photoshop, Third Edition: The art of creating photorealistic montages - updated for CS2
Price 39.66 USD
How to Cheat in Photoshop helps you cheat in two ways: it shows you how to create images that look like photographs and also offers shortcuts and invaluable tips to help you work faster and more efficiently. This new edition of Steve Caplin"s bestseller includes new techniques showing how to make the most of the power of Photoshop CS2. New chapters are also now included on perspective, transformation and distortion, time-saving techniques, and working for print and the web. Steve Caplin shows you how to work from the problem to the solution, gaining the best possible results from Photoshop CS2. On every double page spread there is a new step-by-step project, making 150 projects in total. On the companion CD you"ll find QuickTime movies of the projects illustrated in the book, along with free sample plug-ins and high resolution images allowing you to experiment with each technique and create your own montages. * Extensive new material to show you how to take your Photoshop skills even further * CD includes all the brand new images from the book, 100 high resolution AbleStock images plus QuickTime movies of the projects * Benefit from a professional illustrator"s timesaving tips and tricks!