Adaptive User Interfaces: Principles and Practice (Human Factors in Information Technology)

The area of intelligent and adaptive user interfaces has been of interest to the research community for a long time. Much effort has been spent in trying to find a stable theoretical base for adaptivity in human-computer interaction and to build prototypical systems showing features of adaptivity in real-life interfaces. To date research in this field has not led to a coherent view of problems, let alone solutions. A workshop was organized, which brought together a number of well-known researchers in the area of adaptive user interfaces with a view to develop a coherent view of the results accomplished in the field organize basic ideas which might lead to a more general methodology for adaptivity in order to overcome the problem of specialized, non-generalizable solutions, and discuss possible areas for future research in the field and to define criteria for the selection of the most promising directions of such research. The results of the workshop are presented in this volume. The authors have collected papers from the participants which describe both their research and their views on questions which were dealt with during the workshop. A state-of-the-art report and taxonomy for the field of adaptive interfaces and a discussion summary are also included in this volume.