Play-Acting: A Guide to Theatre Workshops
Price 21.80 - 23.99 USD
"Play-Acting" is an inspired book of theatrical beginnings-jumping-off points for actors, teachers, and directors. Drawing upon his thirty years of designing and leading theater workshops, Luke Dixon goes to the heart of contemporary theater practice. Whether drawing upon Japanese butoh, Shakespearean verse, or African rhythms, these thirty-two workshops cover a wide range of activities-voice warm-ups, body work, the exploration of theatrical space, life games, dreamtime, sense and chakras, working with the spine, and much, much more. More than a collection of exercises, "Play-Acting" is constructed to take the user on a journey from learning about the anatomy of the individual actor"s body to the performance of narrative by a group of actors. With tips on what you might expect to experience as an actor, teacher, or director, along with ideas on how to exploit the unexpected in performance, "Play-Acting" is a book to be read again and again.