Proceedings at the Centennial Celebrati

In Russian Language. Al"bom posvyash"en odnomu iz fenomenov mirovogo iskusstva - russkomu farforu. Izdanie ohvatyvaet vse periody ego razvitiya - ot momenta stanovleniya v seredine XVIII veka do nastoyash"ego vremeni. Opublikovannye v al"bome unikal"nye proizvedeniya masterov russkogo farfora iz krupnejshih muzeev i chastnyh kollekcij delayut ego svoeobraznoj enciklopediej etogo vida dekorativno-prikladnogo tvorchestva. This lavishly illustrated and beautifully produced book will become an essential reference source not only for collectors of porcelain but also for anyone interested in the decorative arts or the exciting history of one of the world"s most important and fascinating countries.