Mototsikly. Samye luchshie fotografii

An exciting addition to White Star’s best-selling CubeBook series, this handsome, hefty little compendium spotlights a vast range of the world’s most important and influential motorcycle designs. Enthusiasts will appreciate the fine photography showcasing, through a variety of perspectives, the details of a wide range of motorcycles. Archival photographs of motorcycles in advertising are supplemented by hundreds of specially commissioned photographs of motorcycles in internationally renowned races and traversing the world’s most stunning landscapes.Custom motorcycles and some of the world’s most legendary bikes from Harley-Davidson, Triumph, and Guzzi are depicted in glorious full color, the images paying homage to the sleek design and unique characteristics of each. A chapter on the first motorcycle in history rounds out this celebration. Accompanied by captions containing informative tidbits and trivia, the images in this portable fantasy-garage will appeal to motorcycle lovers both young and young at heart.