Camera Work: The Photographic Work of Stieglitz, Steichen and Strand between Europe and America

Price 29.44 - 86.11 USD

book24.ru30.27 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788863020281

Producer Alinari 24 ORE

Weight 350 gr

Pages 144

Year of production 2011

?The Time appearing ripe for the publication of an independent American photographic magazine devoted largely to the interests of pictorial photography, ?Camera Work? makes its appearance as the logical outcome of the evolution of the photographic art. It is proposed to issue quarterly an illustrated publication which will appeal to the ever-increasing ranks of those who have faith in photography as a medium of individual expression, and, in addition, to make converts of many at present ignorant of its possibilities?. With such unpretentious words Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946) opened his brief editorial in the first issue of Camera Work published in January 1903. Frequently described as one of the most beautiful and influential publications in American art, Camera Work, which ran to 50 numbers between 1903-1917, is Stieglitz?s visual and written love poem to photography.