Luoravetlansko-russkii (chukotsko-russkii) slovar (Nauchno-issledovatelskaia assotsiatsiia Instituta narodov Severa im. P. G. Smidovicha. Trudy po lingvistike)

This is a reprint of a classic work by a well known ethnologist, linguist and social activist V.G. Bogoraz (1865-1936). He collected materials for this dictionary among the Chukchi in 1895-97. The book also includes a short grammar of Chukchi language. (0.225 kg.). Also available by the author: Chukchi: Religiia (2011); Khristianstvo v Svete Etnografii (2011); Chukchi: Sotsial"naia Organizatsiia (2011).