The SAT I for Dummies
Price 22.16 USD
Sheer Academic Torture or Sinister Adolescent Trial. No matter what the folks at the College Entrance Examination Board claim, we know what SAT really stands for. And love them (as if) or hate them (the rational response), you’ve got to take them if you want to get into most colleges. Fully revised to reflect the SAT’s new focus, the fifth edition of The SAT I For Dummies is the painless, easy way to master the test and get the best possible score. Suzee Vlk, a test-prep guru with nearly thirty years of coaching experience supplies you with:The most up-to-date sample questionsTwo full practice testsGuidance on to approach each different type of questionTips on how to avoid test tricks and trapsRelaxation techniques that help you stay calm and focusedTechniques for beating the clockComprehensive reviews of the basics in all categoriesWith Suzee as your guide, you’ll discover how to outsmart the SAT. You’ll identify the point behind each of the various styles and types of questions and understand what each is meant to test. And you’ll gain the confidence you need to:Have the last word on sentence completionsInfer the meaning in every critical reading questionTake the full measure of the geometry questionsMake the Xs, Ys and Zs dance to your tune on the algebra questionsHand in an incomparable performance on quantitative comparisonsKnow the what, where, when, who and how many of every problem-solving questionGet The SAT I For Dummies, 5th Edition and rack up the points you need to enter the college of your choice.