Zagat 2008 New York City Pack (Zagatsurvey New York City Pack)
Price 74.98 USD
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\fs20 ZAGAT"S\fs18 \i\fs20 New York City Pack \i0\fs18 contains a copy of the restaurant guide, the nightlife guide and the shopping guide and covers bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants and shops in the New York City area. To guide the readers to the best watering holes to suit their tastes, moods and budgets, there are a number of category lists, for example, Most Popular, Top Ratings and Best Buys. On the assumption that most people want a quick fix on the places at which they are considering socialising, there are also handy and concise indexes. \par \par ZAGAT"S \i\fs20 New York City Pack\i0\fs18 spotlights both traditional drinking holes and trendy, minimalist lounges, sumptuous restaurants and clubs. The diversity of venues means that goths, pre-clubbers, lads, families, hen and stag nights and tourists can all have the best of times. \par }