To, Chto Proshlo: V Dvukh Tomakh: T.1: 1870-1917; T.2: 1917-1942 (Ot pervogo litsa: istoriia Rossii v vospominaniiakh, dnevnikakh, pis"makh)

The book includes the memoirs of a great geographer V.P. Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, a son of geographer and vice-president of the Russian Geographical Society Petr Semenov - Tian-Shanskii (1827-1914). The memoirs covers a considerable period of time from the 1870s to the 1940s. A significant part of it is a portrait of his father, his expedition to the mountains and country of Tian Shan in 1856-1857, and geographical studies in Russia in the pre-revolutionary period. The publication is supplemented with scientific comments, indices, and biography by the author. The second post-revolutionary volume reflects the hard times of Soviet science, the first months of the Second World War and the Siege of Leningrad. (1.915 kg.)