Vzryvoopasnye sestrichki

Price 2.34 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785170357246

Pages 352

Year of production 2006

Binding 84x108/32

Sestry - vsegda luchshie podrugi? Chush"! Sestry - zlejshie vragi. A esli mezhdu nimi okazyvaetsya muzhchina, to - esche i sopernitsy! Sopernitsy tem bolee opasnye, chto khorosho znayut s detstva, kak bol"nee ukolot" drug druga! Kto umeet plesti intrigi luchshe, chem znamenitaya stsenaristka zhenskikh teleserialov? Kto sposoben isportit" zhizn" professional"nee, chem organizator svadebnykh torzhestv? Eti sestrichki stoyat drug druga. No kakomu muzhchine pod silu vyzhit" ryadom s nimi?!