Sense and Sensibility (Collector"s Library)

Sense and Sensibility, the first of Jane Austen"s major novels, examines the romantic lives of two very different sisters--one restrained and practical, the other wildly passionate and romantic--forced to balance their emotional needs against the harsh financial realities of the world. After their father"s death leaves them impoverished, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood must struggle to win both the happiness and security they deserve. Austen trains her customary sharp eye on the hypocrisy of the age, providing a striking critique of early nineteenth-century society. The world"s greatest works of literature are now available in these beautiful keepsake volumes. Bound in real cloth, and featuring gilt edges and ribbon markers, these beautifully produced books are a wonderful way to build a handsome library of classic literature. These are the essential novels that belong in every home. They"ll transport readers to imaginary worlds and provide excitement, entertainment, and enlightenment for years to come. All of these novels feature attractive illustrations and have an unequalled period feel that will grace the library, the bedside table or bureau.