Sholohov M.A. "Tihij don. Kniga 4" /Sholokhov M.A. "And Quiet Flows the Don. Book 4" MP3 Audiobook

Sholohov M.A. "Tihij don. Kniga 4"/ Sholokhov M.A. "And quiet flows the Don. Book 4" Sholokhov"s book introduces the reader to a New World that is not merely the Don Region, but the world of the author"s poetic prose, giving 15 years of his life to the creation of "And quiet flows the Don." Book shows the destruction of the Cossacks and the birth of a new society. Set in the Don River basin of southwestern Russia at the end of the tsarist period, the novel traces the progress of the Cossack Gregor Melekhov from youthful lover to Red Army soldier to Cossack nationalist. War in the form of both international conflict and civil revolution provides the epic backdrop for the narrative and determines its tone of moral ambiguity.