Liniia. Literaturnoe i khudozhestvennoe nasledie

This book-album is part of the series Book Collection. This volume embraces literary and artistic works of the painter and theoretician of visual arts, one of the brightest figures of the period called the Silver Age, Boris Grigor"ev (1886-1939). Contents: Posviashchenie; Liniia; Uchitel"; Rerikh; O Novom; Iskusstvo i Khudozhniki v Sovremennoi Rossii; Ob Iskusstve i o Ego Zakonnykh Prestupleniiakh; Raseia: Poema; Iunye Luchi : Roman. Afterword: Three Meetings with Boris Grigorév/ by Iu. Cherkesov. 140 color and black-and-white illustrations.