Price 4.24 - 15.39 USD
book24.ru4.24 USD
Created to further develop the darkness invoked by its immediate precursors, seminal black/extreme metal pioneers Hellhammer and Celtic Frost, TRIPTYKON evolved from a Celtic Frost side project initiated by Tom Gabriel Fischer (a.k.a. Tom Gabriel Warrior), the group"s singer, guitarist, and main songwriter. TRIPTYKON are immersed in themes such as history, occultism, human disintegration, religious fanaticism, and nihilism. The transcending and mergence of seemingly distinct forms of imagination, a hallmark long prominent in Celtic Frost"s efforts, is naturally also abundant within TRIPTYKON"s sphere of inspiration, which ranges across the works of, e.g., Pieter Bruegel, Roland Villeneuve, HR Giger, HP Lovecraft, Hieronymus Bosch, John Martin, and far beyond.