Marika Rokk Collection (Box Set 3DVD): Gasparone. Eine Nacht im Mai / Odnazgdi Maiskoy Noch"u. Die Frau meiner Traume / Devushka Moei Mechti [Russian, German][PAL][REGION ALL][IMPORT]

Eine Nacht Im Mai. Beauty Inga Fleming don"t like man and like to drive her car. After she was deprived her drive license she made a accident and for run out prison she decided to quit to Paris....Gasparone. . The story concerns a nationwide manhunt for a robber and woman-abductor called "Gasparone". In fact, there is no such person: Gasparone has been invented to keep the cops busy whenever restauranteur Massacio (Oskar Sima) is receiving his latest shipment of contraband coffee. Die Frau Meiner Träume. In this musical heavily influenced by Busby Berkeley, a revue star falls in love with an engineer who takes a dim view of light entertainment.