Russian literature today new guide Russkaya literatura segodnya Novyy putevoditel

This is one of three books in the series "Russkaia Literatura Segodnia". The first one, Zhizn" po Poniatiiam, is a dictionary of main terms and concepts used by modern writers and critics, an anthology of quotations and statements of modern critics usually presenting different views on the same subject. The second volume is a collection of biographical sketches of the most notable Russian writers abroad, the writers" groups and organizations, periodicals and other literary projects. It covers the former soviet republics and other countries. The current volume (second edition, the first was published in 2007) is a unique guide to modern Russian literature. This unprecedented in scale job was done by one person, a philologist, critic, and the editor-in chief of the popular literary magazine "Znamia". It restores the chronicle of literary events of the last twenty years, describes the most popular writers and critics, prestigious awards, literary unions and their life. All information is as of October 2008. The book reflects the author"s personal view on and choice of Russian literature, and does not pretend to be representative or objective (whatever that means). The last chapter, Literary Guinness, is a reshuffle of records established by people of literature. Sergei Chuprinin is a philologist, critic, and the editor-in-chief of the popular literary magazine "Znamia".