Itchy Scaly Skin Plus Skin Cleansing Spray 1oz.

Price 45.95 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 4750022614384

Brand Spilva

Manufacture SPILVA SIA

Manufacture Country Latvia

Weight 430 gr

Energy composition 218 kCal 0.3% proteins 54.2% carbs

Expire 2 years

Certificates LV UTN 9996471404

First: Use CureCeuticals® Skin Cleansing Spray to cleanse the skin, unclog pores, eliminate acne causing bacteria and "oozing", and to leave the skin clean and fresh. Second: Apply CureCeuticals® Itchy Scaly SkinTM Lotion with powerful organic Manuka Honey, REAL Aloe Vera (containing more than 15% Acemannan content - this is 4 to 10 times greater that other aloe products) and our powerful blend of citric acid, malic acid, and glycerin from vegetables, to penetrate and CLEAN pores and immediately attack the bacteriaManuka Honey is known for its effectiveness in killing bacteria. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-itch.