Body Cream "Shark Oil and Mustard with Honey" for Joints 75ml

Shark oil has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, immunostimulant, antibacterial and antioxidant action. Burdock root and arnica relieves pain with radiculitis, arthritis, gout, diseases of the joints, disease, injuries and bruises. Honey and essential oils help to restore the damaged structure of cartilage and joints mobility returned. Mustard and camphor have local irritant and warming properties, improve blood circulation, helps relieve pain and swelling in areas of inflammation.Operating components:shark oil, camphor, olive oil, honey extract, burdock, menthol, oil of juniper, lavender, mustard, marjoram, arnica, pine.Method of application:A small amount of cream applied to the problem area of the body and rub until completely absorbed.