Valerij Leontev. Khudozhnik
Price 1.61 - 24.18 USD
GoldDisk.Ru2.81 USD
Valery Leontev. The Artist. In 2011 Valery Leontev celebrated the 40th anniversaty of his career. He was titled a People"s Artist of Russia in 1996. To the event of the anniversary, Leontev released a new album under the name "The Artist". In spite of the fact that the musician has turned 62 years of age, he is still in a fine vocal form. His music continues to excite hearts of old admirers and to involve a younger audience. Over the course of his decades-long career, he has recorded more than 30 albums, many of which sold millions of copies. Tracklist: 1. Ischu tebja 2. Amore No 3. Muzyka Kuby 4. Dolja 5. Ljudi ne ptitsy 6. Sluchajnyj tanets 7. Tam v sentjabre 8. Nochnoj zvonok 9. Ty darila mne rozy 10. Vy menja ne znaete, gospoda 11. A ljubov zhiva 12. Zatmene serdtsa 13. Khudozhnik 14. Ne nado jada 15. Tu Vuo Fa L Americano 16. Zamerzaju 17. Leto ljubvi 18. Vse chudesno