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Nadezhda Zhukova is a well-known speech therapist with thirty years of service, and a candidate of pedagogical science. The best traditions of well-known Soviet pedagogues and speech therapists and practitioners like E.F. Rau and A.G. Ippolitova, can be found in sequence in N. S. Zhukova"s new book, "Speech Therapy Lessons." This specialized book for the improvement of articulation is written simply and thoroughly enough that it may be used not only by speech therapists and pedagogues, but also by parents. A few ten-year-old scientific practice activities can be found in reincarnation with carefully prepared methods and techniques, allowing every child to achieve unique, clean speech, regardless of the level of squalor at which the correction begins. Specially formulated exercises allow you to concentrate attention on the improvement of a single corrective sound and greatly heighten a lesson"s effectiveness. The set can be used by children with entirely different speech defects. In Russian