Wiley The Internet For Dummies, 13th Edition book 978-1-1180-9614-7
Price 13.47 - 24.99 USD
The latest update to a perennial bestseller gets you up and running on the Internet! Now in its lucky thirteenth edition, this peerless book has outsold and outlasted all the competition. Veteran authors John Levine and Margaret Young return with an updated road map to both the online tools and resources that have defined the Internet for years, as well as all the new things that keep Internet users interested. You"ll not only find a lot of the basics presented in a straightforward and friendly style, you"ll also get the latest on social networking, security, and much more. The authors begin with an overview of all things Internet-related and branch into vital topics such as keeping personal information secure and protecting your kids online. You"ll gain valuable insight to web browsers, search options, online shopping, and personal finance tools. Before you know it, you"ll know how to use Internet tools to find, stream, download, or share music, video, and photos. Helpful advice on staying in touch walks you through setting up and using online e-mail, chat, and social networking sites. * Introduces you to what"s online, how to deal with annoyances like spam and spyware, and how to control what your kids see and do online * Walks you through picking a provider, getting hooked up to the Internet, and sharing a connection in your home or with other devices * Gives you a guided a tour through popular web browsers, getting good search results; finding music and video; shopping; banking; and sharing files * Also covers e-mail, connecting with friends, online chats, and more * Helps you find the hot social networking sites and see how to handle photo and video sharing Get going and get online with this easy-to-understand, helpful guide!