Wiley Illustrator CS5 Bible software manual 978-0-470-58475-0
Price 29.69 - 44.99 USD
A former Group Product Manager for Illustrator takes you on a detailed tour of the new version of IllustratorAdobe Illustrator allows you to create sophisticated artwork for nearly any medium and the newest release boasts enhancements aimed at helping you save time and work more efficiently and intuitively. Written by veteran author Ted Alspach, this authoritative resource dissects Illustrator CS5 so you can harness the power it has to offer. You’ll begin with a review of Illustrator basics and quickly ramp up to more advanced topics, such as working in 3D, using filters, distorting artwork, applying strokes, and more.Former Adobe insider Ted Alspach breaks down the powerful program of Illustrator and explores the new features and functions included in the latest versionBegins with the basics of Illustrator, such as working with the interface and creating Illustrator documentsShows you how to manipulate type, distort artwork, and apply strokes and fillsExplains transparency, working in 3D, using styles and effects, applying filters, and moreIllustrator has amazing potential that can sometimes be daunting, but with Illustrator CS5 Bible by your side, you’ll learn to put the capabilities of Illustrator to work for you.