Tamron AF 28-200mm F/3.8-5.6 XR Di Aspherical (IF) Macro Zoom Lens for Pentax Digital SLR Cameras

Price 299.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 725211037248

Brand Tamron

Manufacture Tamron Usa, Inc.

Manufacture Country USA

The Tamron AF 28%2D200mm Super Zoom f%2F3%2E8%2D5%2E6 XR Di Aspherical IF Macro Lens is a very compact and lightweight zoom lens with a constant 1%2E6%27 minimum focus distance and a maximum magnification of 1%3A4%2E The remarkable achievements are brought about through XR %28extra refractive index%29 glass%2E%0D%0A%3CBR%3E%0D%0AThis highly popular lens has now been improved with the Di optical system%2C with improved multi%2Dcoating for digital SLR cameras as well as film cameras%2C further enhancing its ease of use and popularity%2E