Mnt Exceed 2008 5U with 1YR
Price 1809.99 USD
Item #: M60516. Exceed is the most secure and popular PC X server in the market. It allows users to cost-effectively connect powerful Microsoft Windows desktops to a wide variety of X Window enabled servers, and access high-end X applications. Product Description: Exceed 2008 - license Category: Networking applications Subcategory: Network - connectivity & data sharing License Type: License Bundled Support: 1 Year Maintenance License Qty: 5 users License Pricing: Standard Platform: Windows OS Required: Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Server, Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4, Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Service & Support: New releases update Customers also search for: Technology\Software\Software Licensing Discount Exceed 2008 - License, Buy Exceed 2008 - License, Wholesale Exceed 2008 - License, 0620185033879, EXMPI550005M1300P, Software Licensing