Exabyte VXA-2 PacketLoader Packet Tape Autoloader

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 709550008954

Manufacture Exabyte Corporation

Manufacture Country USA

The VXA-2 PacketLoader 1x10 1U Plus Autoloader is the most affordable, compact automated data storage solution for users with space and budget constraints. With one VXA-2 drive and up to 10 VXA tapes, the 1.6TB PacketLoader 1x10 1U Plus Autoloader lead in capacity and price over other rack mounted autoloaders, making them the preferred storage companion for small business and workgroup servers.The VXA-2 PacketLoader 1x10 1U Plus Autoloader adds the capability to remotely configure the autoloader by means of a standard web browser and monitor them by means of automated e-mail alerts so that you can be in control of the PacketLoader 1x10 1U Plus Autoloader form anywhere in the world.