Semax 0.1%

The drug affects the processes involved in memory formation and learning. Semax strengthens focus on learning and analysis of information, improves the consolidation of memory trace, improves the body"s adaptation. Semax allows you to instantly navigate complex situations, helps to quickly process a large volume of information and easy to use thanks to the influence of education at all stages of memory: storing, structuring and reproduction of information. Semax restores the cycle sleep / wake when he was disturbed by providing not only fall asleep faster, but also easy awakening. Semax can be taken as a completely healthy people and people with diseases of the liver, the kidneys, the cardiovascular system. Semax does not react with any substance used as food and medicine. The drug is practically nontoxic after a single and long-term administration. Shows no allergic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic properties.Overdose and any side effects are virtually eliminated.Semax has passed complete clinical trials in the Russian Federation.