Cisco-Linksys WAPPOE12 12 Volt Power Over Ethernet Adapter Kit
-The Linksys 12 Volt Power Over Ethernet Adapter Kit lets you put your access points almost anywhere, by removing the requirement of nearby power outlets. By using the existing Category 5 Ethernet cabling to deliver power to many standard 12 volt access points and other network devices, you save the time, hassle, and expense of running AC power to the access point s installation location. -The best position for a wireless access point is usually on the ceiling, in the center of the area to be covered. Second best would be high on a nearby wall. Unfortunately, theres usually no easily accessible AC power plugs available in these locations. With the Power Over Ethernet Adapter Kit, installing the access point in these preferred spots becomes far less trouble. -The 12 Volt Power Over Ethernet Adapter Kit is a two piece set.