Burtons Jammie Wagon Wheels 6 Pack 300g
Price 0.80 - 3.08 USD
Burton's Biscuit Company
Manufacture Country
United Kingdom
213 gr
Energy composition
439 kCal 4.7% proteins 14.4% fats 69% carbs
1 year
Wagon Wheels are a much-loved British icon, and this extra-jammie update to the original version is a huge favourite amongst young and old.Burtons Jammie Wagon Wheels comprise two layers of crunchy biscuit with a marshmallow and jam filling, all coated in delicious milk chocolate. This hefty 6-pack will certainly keep all of the family happy.Many claim that Wagon Wheels have shrunk over time, but Burtons insist this is not the case; instead it is more likely that we have grown up eating them and they no longer seem as large as they did when we were kids!

Ничего особенного. Продаются только за счет ностальгии по 90м. Твердое печенье, безвкусная начинка.. В общем ничего особенного, цена сильно завышена.

Дрянь редкая, купил и выбросил всю упаковку. Одна химия

Очень вкусно!!!

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