Author - John Weale
Ensamples of Railway Making
EAN 9780343947002 29.08 USD -
Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms Used in Architecture, Civil, Architecture, Naval, Building and Construction, Early and Ecclesiastical Art, Engineering, Civil, Engineering, Mechanical, Fine Art, Mining, Surveying, Etc. To Which Are Added Explanator...
EAN 9781375469302 47.28 USD -
Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms Used in Architecture, Civil, Architecture, Naval, Building and Construction, Early and Ecclesiastical Art, Engineering, Civil, Engineering, Mechanical, Fine Art, Mining, Surveying, Etc. To Which Are Added Explanator...
EAN 9780270598179 33.98 USD -
Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms Used in Architecture, Civil, Architecture, Naval, Building and Construction, Early and Ecclesiastical Art, Engineering, Civil, Engineering, Mechanical, Fine Art, Mining, Surveying, Etc. To Which Are Added Explanator...
EAN 9780341801559 33.80 USD -
Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms Used in Architecture, Civil, Architecture, Naval, Building and Construction, Early and Ecclesiastical Art, Engineering, Civil, Engineering, Mechanical, Fine Art, Mining, Surveying, Etc. To Which Are Added Explanator...
EAN 9780343759537 33.80 USD -
Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms
EAN 9783741172953 81.93 USD -
The Theory, Practice, and Architecture of Bridges of Stone, Iron, Timber, and Wire: With . 1-2
EAN 9785880676613 12.65 USD -
Rudimentary dictionary of terms used in architecture &c
EAN 9785879829907 10.66 USD -
Rudimentary Dictionary Of Terms Used In Architecture, Civil, Architecture, Naval, Building And Construction, Early And Ecclesiastical Art, ... Mechanical, Fine Art, Mining, Surveying, Etc
EAN 9781409712602 43.59 USD -
Ensamples of Railway Making: Which, Although Not of English Practice, are Submitted, with .
EAN 9785880676088 8.17 USD -
Atlas of the Engravings to Illustrate and Practically Explain the .
EAN 9785883855411 10.35 USD -
Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms Used in Architecture, Civil, Architecture, Naval, Building and . 9
EAN 9785879832624 10.66 USD -
Catalogue of Books on Architecture and Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military, and Naval: New .
EAN 9785880384495 7.19 USD -
London Exhibited in 1852, .
EAN 9785884304932 15.09 USD