Author - Paul N. Hasluck
Bookbinding, with numerous engravings and diagrams
EAN 9785880005703 7.79 USD -
Beehives And Bee Keepers" Appliances - With Numerous Engravings And Diagrams
EAN 9781446518915 51.13 USD -
Treatise on Clock and Watch Making, Theoretical and Practical
EAN 9781444647839 42.90 USD -
Domestic Jobbing - The Repair Of Household Articles - With Numerous Engravings And Diagrams
EAN 9781446519592 44.48 USD -
Practical Metal Plate Work - With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams
EAN 9781446526767 41.33 USD -
Building Model Boats - Including Sailing and Steam Vessels
EAN 9781446526095 50.95 USD -
Lathe-Work - A Practical Treatise on the Tools, Appliances, and Processes Employed in the Art of Turning - Including Hand Turning, Boring and Drilling, the Use of Slide Rests, and Overhead Gear, Screw-Cutting by Hand and Self-Acting Motion, Wheel ...
EAN 9781447464495 43.78 USD -
Coffin-Making and Undertaking - Special Appliances, Lancashire Coffins, Southern Counties and Other Coffins, Children"s Coffins, Adults" Covered Coffi
EAN 9781446526941 53.05 USD -
Harness Making With Numberous Engravings and Diagrams
EAN 9780469836242 28.90 USD -
Pianos. Their Construction, Tuning, And Repair - With Numerous Engravings And Diagrams
EAN 9781446517550 51.13 USD -
Practical Raughtmen.s Work
EAN 9780469031487 28.90 USD -
Wood Finishing. Comprising Staining, Varnishing, . Polishing With Engravings and Diagrams
EAN 9780469401679 28.90 USD -
Leather Working - With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams
EAN 9781528703055 33.98 USD -
Textile Fabrics and Their Preparation for Dyeing
EAN 9781528703093 32.23 USD