Author - Henry Lee
The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas: With Remarks, Historical and Critical, On Johnson's Life of Greene. to Which Is Added an Appendix of Original . Relating to the History of the Revolution
EAN 9785876794574 13.25 USD -
The vegetable lamb of Tartary
EAN 9785872426837 7.16 USD -
History of the Battle of Breed"s Hill
EAN 9781149657645 10.18 USD -
Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development (Paperback)
EAN 9781430235965 41.56 USD -
Aquarium Notes: The Octopus Or the "Devil-Fish" of Fiction and of Fact
EAN 9785876796516 9.75 USD -
Lectures On Some Subjects Connected with Practical Pathology and Surgery, Volume 2
EAN 9785876795472 12.06 USD -
Sea Fables Explained
EAN 9785876795007 9.02 USD -
On the Origin of Inflammation of the Veins: And On the Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Purulent Deposits
EAN 9785876795199 8.91 USD -
The militia of the United States: what it has been, what it should be
EAN 9785876790569 9.04 USD -
Memoirs of a Manager: Or, Life's Stage with New Scenery, Volumes 1-2
EAN 9785876794734 9.92 USD -
Memoirs of a Manager
EAN 9785873718634 7.93 USD -
Lectures On Some Subjects Connected with Practical Pathology and Surgery, Volume 1
EAN 9785876794895 11.12 USD -
Historique des courses de chevaux de l'antiquite ? ce jour
EAN 9785880661145 14.31 USD -
Memoirs of a Manager: Or, Life's Stage with New Scenery, Volume 2
EAN 9785876794727 9.92 USD